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Music Advisory Workshops

Photo du rédacteur: ANYAANYA

Participatory workshop sessions for the development of the Moroccan music industry with the actors of the sector

Within the framework of the project "Music as a tool for sustainable development in Morocco

from 17 to 28 September 2021

Music as a Tool of Sustainable Development in Morocco is a project implemented by the UNESCO Office for the Maghreb, with the ambition to contribute to the development of the music industry value chain in Morocco, and thus participate in the sustainable development of the country. The project aims to improve the governance systems of the music sector in Morocco by strengthening human and institutional capacities, cultural infrastructures and regulatory and policy frameworks. The project, initiated by the UNESCO Office for the Maghreb in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, is carried out by the cultural engineering firm Anya.

As part of this project, consultative workshops on the development of the Moroccan music sector with music professionals and institutional stakeholders were held from September 20 to 30, 2021 in 5 cities in Morocco, with the ultimate goal of developing a research and consultation plan for participatory policy development, as well as raising awareness of the increased impact of the music sector as an employment opportunity.


Agadir (Sept. 17-18), Oujda (Sept. 20-21), Casablanca (Sept. 22-23), Tangier (Sept. 24-25), Rabat (Sept. 28)

These participatory workshops are a continuation of the previous activities implemented within the framework of the project:

  • Music classes for 90 children in 3 Moroccan cities. These courses were intended to contribute to a reflection on the future improvement of the current musical education.

  • The creation of the online portal "Moroccan Music Connect" for professionals of the music sector in Morocco, in order to provide them with a map of music and the places associated with it at the country level. This portal aims to network the actors of the music sector and to give the public authorities and the civil society the means to act for the development of this sector.

  • The organization of recording sessions and coaching in residence for 12 young Moroccan music groups, selected on the basis of a national call for applications, in order to strengthen their capacities, increase their income and upgrade their artistic quality.

  • For the last activity, the participatory workshops, a call for participation is launched until September 15, to select the actors of the music sector who will take part. Participants must necessarily be actors of the music sector (music professionals, cultural institutions, representatives of cultural centers, organizers of cultural events, etc.).

Photos of the workshops:

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